Health Care Provider – Basic Life Support (BLS) – Certifications

Are you a Healthcare Provider in Massachusetts, Connecticut or Rhode Island or surrounding states?
Our group and corporate Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care & Professional Rescuers training course meets the requirements of Health Care Workers, First Responders and Life Guards but is open to anyone! We can provide workplace training throughout Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island and surrounding states.
This class meets all American Heart Association Requirements !
Cutting-edge Safety Material NEW DIGITAL BOOK
This professional class meets all 2020 CPR/AED, ECC and American Heart Association Guidelines. Class requires hands-on skills and a written test. This class does not include First Aid training but it can be added*. All students must compress and ventilate manikin on the floor.
Topics covered:
- Professional rescuer role in a medical emergency and taking action
- Assessing the victim
- Recovery position
- Basic life support including rescue breathing
- HEPA filters
- Airway obstruction
- Choking
- Heart attacks and chest pain
- Two-handed jaw thrust
- Pulse checks
- Personal protection equipment
- Use of pocket mask and BVM required
- One- and two-person CPR on adult, child and infant are practiced
- Special situations
- Opioid emergencies

This course is accepted by these organizations, just to name a few:
- Dental professionals in MA, RI, NH
- MA Police/Fire/EMS
- Lifeguards in MA, CT, RI
- EMS Personnel in MA, CT, RI
- US Ski Patrol
- MA Department of Public Health
- US Dental Assistants National Board
* To add First Aid to Basic Life Support, here’s a list of some of the topics that will be included (to see complete list, visit: First Aid Only)
Some of the topics include:
* Abdominal injuries
* Allergic reactions
* Asthma
* Bites and stings
* Bleeding
* Burns
* Diabetic emergencies
You will receive the First Aid Pocket Guide + digital First Aid text + 2-year certification.